Wikimania 2018 – Cape Town, South Africa

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CC.SA.4.0 Blanca Flores

BRIDGING KNOWLEDGE GAPS: THE UBUNTU WAY FORWARD Wikimania is the biggest gathering of Wikimedians in the world. The theme of Wikimania 2018 was, “Bridging knowledge gaps—the Ubuntu way forward”. Here Ubuntu doesn’t refer to Operating System Ubuntu. Ubuntu, according to South African philosophy means, “humanity towards others”or as often translated “I am because you are.”[1] […]


WikidataCon 2017

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Image by: Rama [CC BY-SA 3.0 fr] Last weekend of October, was organized the most wanted event for Wikidata’s enthusiasts 🙂 Was such a pleasure to attend the first Wikidata Conference in Berlin. Wikidata was created in 2012 with the primary purpose of gathering information from Wikipedia entries so that they can be shared between […]


Ladies that FOSS

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First time I heard about Ladies that FOSS was at FOSDEM 2016. I was helping with Wikimedia Infobooth when i meet Julia and Lucie, 2 of the organizers of the event. After a quick chat with Julia  we realized that both of us were working on the gender gap issues, so she introduced me with Ladies that […]


33C3: Works for me

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After 2 years of trying to participate in CCC, I finally made it, at the 33rd edition! This year everything started when my friend from FSFE, Erik, invited me to have a talk about Wikidata at the FSFE assembly happening there. So this was my chance to finally make it to CCC. And with my friend […]


BotAcademy 2015 in Stockholm

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For those who know me, they know how much I love snow. In the first moment when Wikimedia Sverige told me I won to participate at Botacademy I thought: Oh! Sweden, north, snow :). While waiting for the snow to start falling outside I was learning about python at Wikimedia Sverige offices, which btw were […]


Wikimedia CEE meeting 2015, Estonia

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Annual meeting of Wikimedians from Central and Eastern Europe  this year was held in Estonia.  It was the fourth in a series of such conferences. Wikimedia CEE meeting 2015 was attended by 67 people from almost all countries of the region and representatives of the Wikimedia Foundation. This year, participants were deployed in houses and rooms in a […]


Wiki Loves Monuments 2015

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Pas organizimit të parë gjatë vitit 2014 FLOSSK (Kosovë) dhe Open Labs (Shqipëri) riorganizojnë për herë të dytë garën e fotografisë Wiki Loves Monuments Kosovë dhe Shqipëri. Wiki Loves Monuments është një konkurs fotografik ndërkombëtar i monumenteve, organizuar nga Fondacioni Wikimedia nga 1 deri më 30 shtator 2015. Wikimedia është fondacioni që fuqizon Enciklopedinë e […]


Open Tech Summit/Gender Gap Wikipedia

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After more than 15 programming and developing speeches before my talk, here its me, a programmer who speaks about not programming stuff, but Wikipedia Diversity and Gender Gap. The first goal: To break my record. To have more than 5 girls participating at my talk. ✔ I had 11 girls participating at my talk. Second goal: To […]


Open Source Conference Albania! OSCAL2015

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OSCAL (Open Source Conference Albania) is the first international conference in Albania organized by Open Labs to promote software freedom, open source software, free culture and open knowledge, concepts that originally started more than 25 years ago. The second edition (see first editon here) of the conference took place at 9 & 10 May 2015 in Tirana […]


Wikimedia CEE Meeting in Kiev!

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ABOUT CEEM! Wikimedia CEE Meeting is a meeting of the Wikimedians of Central and Eastern Europe. The idea was conceived at an informal meetup that took place on 6 August 2011 at Wikimania 2011 in Haifa. Most of the attendees from the countries of the region were present, and shared their experience in the efforts to establish a more […]