For those who know me, they know how much I love snow. In the first moment when Wikimedia Sverige told me I won to participate at Botacademy I thought: Oh! Sweden, north, snow :).
While waiting for the snow to start falling outside I was learning about python at Wikimedia Sverige offices, which btw were really nice and warm.
Botacademy was a short intensive training about bots, how to create and run it on Wikimedia projects and tools that help to start with it. It was organized by Wikimedia Sverige for the second time this year.
Day 1 started with the introduction of the 6 participants and their plans on their local Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. Andre (GLAM developer, Wikimedia Sverige) introduced us to the program and how to get started with bots.
For those who are interested on bots, you can find Andre’s talk here.
The day went on with the installation of pywikibot for Linux and AWB for Windows. With the supervision of Andre we started trying some of the functionality of these tools and how it can help on our everyday work on improving Wikipedia. But since it was the first time for some of us to work with bots and for not getting our self in trouble, we only tried in stimulation mode :). We continued next day with the reflection on what we had learned a day before. We got separated in 3 groups and start working on our ideas. Then we gathered again to discuss about the solutions that each group had thought about, the functionality of their bot and also ideas about each other’s. I called mine ‘Marbott‘ 🙂
The event was closed with the summary on what we had learned and of course homeworks.
P.S it didn’t snow btw :'(
Until the next time Stockholm!
Photo credits:
Botacademy logo – Andre Costa (CC-SA- 3.0 Unported)
Other photos: Jan Ainali (CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.)